Industry News

Smart Irrigation: The Intelligent Choice for Property Management
In the realm of property management, efficiency is key. As water scarcity becomes a pressing issue and environmental sustainability a global priority, the commercial real estate industry is turning to smart irrigation systems. But what is smart irrigation, and what makes it so intelligent? Let’s explore how smart irrigation is revolutionizing landscape management and how […]
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Tenant Satisfaction Strategies for Commercial Property Managers
As a commercial property manager, ensuring tenant satisfaction is paramount to the success of your business. Satisfied tenants are more likely to renew their leases, recommend your property to others, and contribute to a positive atmosphere. Here are ten strategies to enhance tenant satisfaction:  1. Communication is Key Effective communication is the cornerstone of any […]
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The Costly Consequences of Deferred Maintenance: A Closer Look at Facility Management
Facility management is a multifaceted discipline that involves the continuous upkeep of physical assets to ensure they function optimally and meet the needs of occupants. However, one common challenge faced by facility managers is the issue of deferred maintenance. Deferred maintenance occurs when necessary repairs or upgrades to a facility are postponed due to budget […]
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Nitrogen Fertilizer for Grass: The Complete Guide
What is nitrogen fertilizer for grass? What does nitrogen do for your grass? How much nitrogen fertilizer do you need for your grass? These are all important questions that we want to help you answer.   Fertilizer is tricky because there are so many different types. There are so many kinds of fertilizer that it can […]
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2024 Guide to Lawn Fertilizer
Spring is right around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about lawn fertilization and the lawn fertilizer you should be using. It may seem like a simple choice, but do you really know what your lawn needs? Here’s just a few questions you might want to consider:   All very valuable questions that you […]
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Map Out Your 2024 Irrigation Success
2024 landscaping season is coming up quickly. Are you ready to start up your irrigation system? Rubicon’s irrigation experts can ensure that your property is positioned to have a successful landscaping season. Here’s what Rubicon can do for you:   Proper Installation  If you own commercial property, you know how important it is to maintain its […]
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HVAC Dos and Don't for 2024
If you own any sort of building, you probably have an HVAC system. It’s something we certainly value, but it does sometimes go unnoticed. It’s wonderful to come in from the cold to a nice and warm welcome. It’s also amazing to walk into a nice, cool building on a hot summer day. And if your […]
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Reliable Tree Care & Plant Care in 2024
Your trees and plants don’t take care of themselves. It’s imperative that they get taken care of. Proper tree and plant care can leave a lasting impression on your clients and customers. If a customer recognizes the care that you have put into your plants and trees, they will see the care you plan to […]
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Winter HVAC Repair: 5 Keys to HVAC Success
When it comes to keeping your commercial space at the perfect temperature year-round, you rely on your HVAC system to do the heavy lifting. Nobody wants to wear a jacket indoors. If you find yourself wearing a jacket in your commercial facility, maybe it’s time for HVAC repair. But how can you be sure? What […]
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