October 27, 2023

Do You Need Winter Pest Control? You’d Be Surprised

Pest control is something people usually think about during the warmer months. After all, most insects seem to disappear during the colder months of the year. Does your business need winter pest control?  

Surprisingly enough, this is something that you should be thinking about. Unfortunately, when you think that the pests have disappeared, they are still lurking. You’d be surprised at the pests that are still lurking around in the winter, and also the preventative measures you can take during the colder seasons.  

Why is Winter Pest Control Important? 

Many of the pests that you typically see are actually going away. But some of the most annoying, gross, and harmful pests are still lurking around. Here are some of the pests that will still be around during the winter months:  


As the temperature drops, rodents will seek warmth and shelter indoors. They can take shelter in many of the nooks and crannies around your business. Whether it is on the external part of your property, or the internal, they can wreak havoc on your business. This can lead to infestations that can cause damage, leave droppings, and carry diseases. 

Rodents are known to gnaw on various materials, including wood, plastic, and electrical wires. This behavior can lead to structural damage to buildings and equipment, resulting in costly repairs or replacements. Moreover, rodents often chew on insulation and furniture, making them unsalvageable. 

In addition to physical damage, rodents also pose health hazards. They carry diseases that can be transmitted through contact with their urine, droppings, and hair. These diseases can cause serious health issues for employees and customers in commercial properties, leading to decreased productivity and potential legal consequences. It’s imperative that you seek professional winter pest control if rodents become an issue. 


Termites are a highly destructive pest that can cause significant damage to commercial properties. These pesky insects feed on wood and other cellulose-based materials, which can include structural beams, flooring, and furniture. 

One of the major concerns with termites is that they often go undetected until significant damage has already been done. This is because they work quietly behind the scenes, hidden from view within walls, floors, and other areas of a building. This makes termite infestations difficult to identify early on. 

Winter is an especially important time for pest control when it comes to termites. Many people mistakenly believe that because the weather is colder and termites are less active during this time, they are not a concern. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. While termites may slow down during winter, they do not stop altogether and can still cause damage to commercial properties. 

Additionally, the damp conditions caused by winter weather can make wood and other cellulose materials even more attractive to termites. It’s important to take preventative winter pest control measures before termites become a larger issue.  

Bed Bugs 

So why exactly are bed bugs harmful to commercial properties? Well, for starters, they are incredibly difficult to get rid of and can cause significant financial losses for businesses. Bed bugs can easily hitch a ride on luggage, clothing, or even people, making their way into commercial properties without anyone noticing. Once inside, they quickly multiply and spread throughout the building, making it challenging to eradicate them completely without professional winter pest control. 

Aside from being terrible for a business's reputation, bed bugs can also cause physical harm to employees and customers. These pests feed on human blood and leave behind itchy, red welts on the skin. In some cases, people may have an allergic reaction to bed bug bites, leading to severe discomfort and even swelling. 

Moreover, the presence of bed bugs in commercial properties can lead to lawsuits and legal issues. This makes winter pest control essential. If a customer or employee is bitten by bed bugs on the premises, the business may be held liable for any damages or medical expenses. This can result in costly settlements and damage to the company's reputation. 

Other Insects 

Cockroaches may be a year-round problem, but they tend to multiply rapidly during the winter months. They are attracted to warm, dark, and humid environments, making commercial properties an ideal place for them to thrive. Moreover, cockroaches can contaminate food and surfaces, posing a health risk to employees and customers, but this can be prevented through winter pest control. 

Fruit flies are small insects that are commonly found in kitchens and other areas with decaying fruits or vegetables. They are attracted to the sugary, fermented smell of rotting produce and can quickly become a nuisance in commercial properties. They will congregate near rotting food that may be left around the office or in the kitchen of your workspace.  

While all these pests may be in your property during the winter months, don’t be dismayed! There are always things you can do to prevent pests from invading your commercial property.  

Winter pest control may be more necessary than you might think.

Tips for Winter Pest Control 

Here are some helpful tips to keep pests at bay during the winter season: 

  • Seal up any cracks or holes in your property’s exterior walls, doors, and windows. This will prevent pests from entering your business. 
  • Inspect and clean out gutters regularly to prevent build-up of debris, which can attract pests. 
  • Store food in airtight containers to discourage pantry pests like ants, mice, and rats. 
  • Make sure to clean up any spills or crumbs immediately. 
  • Keep moisture levels on your property low by fixing any leaks, using a dehumidifier, and ensuring proper ventilation. This will help prevent pests like cockroaches and termites that are attracted to damp environments. 
  • Regularly clean out cluttered areas such as basements, garages, and attics to eliminate potential hiding places for pests. 
  • Keep an eye out for signs of pest activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, and damage to property. If you spot any signs, take immediate action to address the infestation. Here's some more signs to consider.

By taking these simple steps at your business, you’ll avoid many of the pitfalls that many businesses fall into that cause pest infestations.  

If your winter pest control problem is getting out of hand, it's time you call a professional. 

When to Call a Professional 

To prevent pest infestations during winter, it is essential to have a proactive approach to winter pest control. This includes regular inspections by professional pest control services, as well as implementing preventative measures such as sealing entry points and maintaining proper sanitation practices. 

Moreover, in case of an ongoing infestation, it is crucial to seek help from a professional winter pest control service immediately. Waiting until spring to address the issue can lead to a more significant and costlier problem. 

Winter is an important time to be vigilant about pest control for commercial properties. With the right measures in place, you can protect your property from potential pest problems and ensure the safety and well-being of your employees and clients. So don't wait, take action and call for Rubicon winter pest control services to keep your commercial property pest-free this winter. 
