April 3, 2023

How to Fertilize For Commercial Landscaping

Maintaining a well-fertilized lawn and landscape is essential for any commercial landscaping. Regular fertilization of your outdoor areas ensures that they look great, remain healthy, and attract potential customers. Here are some commercial landscaping tips to help you properly fertilize your commercial property so you can ensure it continues to look its best.  

Use a Rotary Spreader

Using a rotary spreader to fertilize your lawn is an easy and effective way to improve the look of any landscape or commercial property. A rotary spreader evenly distributes fertilizer over the entire area, ensuring that all parts of the lawn are receiving the same amount of nutrients. This helps ensure a healthy, lush looking lawn for years to come. With a rotary spreader, you can also save time by avoiding having to manually apply fertilizer in specific spots throughout your lawn.

In addition, using a rotary spreader eliminates potential bare patches where fertilizer might have otherwise been missed when applying it manually. It’s an efficient and economical way to keep your lawn looking great year-round! 

Fertilize...then Water!

Watering after fertilizing for commercial landscaping is essential for keeping a lush and healthy landscape. Without sufficient hydration, the nutrients from fertilizer will not reach the roots of grass or other plants in your commercial landscaping. Even if you use water-soluble fertilizer, it must be watered in to ensure proper absorption of the fertilizer content by the soil and then by the plant life.

Additionally, watering helps the fertilizer penetrate deeper into the soil around grass roots, which increases its effectiveness. After applying fertilizer to your lawn, always follow up with enough water to help spread out nutrients and benefit your landscape’s flora without wasting any of it.

Properly hydrated plants also have greater resistance to disease and stress due to high temperatures and dryness during hot weather. Watering your lawn after fertilizing will help keep your commercial property’s landscape healthy and vibrant for years to come.

For more tips on watering your lawn, check out this blog post.

What is Grasscycling?

It’s like fertilizing, without using synthetic fertilizer. Grasscycling is a fantastic way to help maintain the landscape of both residential and commercial properties. This simple commercial landscaping practice involves leaving clippings from lawns on the grass after mowing, which then decomposes into nitrogen-rich organic matter. Not only does this process return nutrients back to the soil, but it also helps to reduce weed growth, conserve water, and minimize yard waste.

Commercial landscape owners may find that grasscycling is also beneficial for their landscape maintenance. Not only can it reduce the need to purchase or apply chemical fertilizers, but it can also save time in terms of mowing and yard waste disposal. In addition, grasscycling can help provide a healthier environment for workers and visitors by reducing chemical runoff and air pollution from lawn care equipment.

Overall, grasscycling is an easy and effective way to improve the health of both residential and commercial landscapes while saving time, energy, money, and the environment! So why not try it? Your lawn—and your wallet—will thank you! Here’s a blog post for more lawn mowing tips.

Aeration, Aeration, Aeration!

Commercial landscaping aeration is an important part of lawn and landscape maintenance, especially when it comes to commercial properties. It helps improve soil structure by introducing oxygen and allowing water, fertilizer, and other essential nutrients to penetrate the soil more easily. This process helps reduce compaction by loosening the soil and promoting root growth.

There are a few ways to aerate your landscape or lawn including core aeration, spike aeration, and slit seeding.

Core aeration involves removing small plugs from the ground with a machine that cuts into the turf up to two inches deep. The holes created allow for better air circulation which helps increase root systems and make them stronger so they can absorb more water and nutrients. This method is beneficial for soils that are compacted or saturated with thatch.

Spike aeration is a less intensive method than core aeration and involves piercing the surface of the soil with metal spikes. This can help reduce shallow compaction and bring oxygen to the roots, but it will not do as much to break up deeper layers of soil like core aeration can.

Slit seeding is another way to introduce oxygen into your lawn or landscape. It involves creating fine grooves in your turf, which then allow for seed to be sowed evenly across the area. Slit seeding also encourages grass roots to grow deeper and stronger, giving them access to more water and nutrients.

Ultimately, landscape aeration helps improve the overall health of your lawn or landscape by allowing oxygen, water, and other essential nutrients to be absorbed more easily into the soil. Whether you choose core aeration, spike aeration, or slit seeding, it is important to remember that regular aeration can help create a healthier and happier landscape. 

Use the Right Fertilizer for Your Landscape

Commercial aerosol fertilizer sprayer for commercial landscaping

When choosing the right fertilizer for your commercial property’s landscape and lawn, there are several key factors to consider. First, you will need to determine the specific nutrient requirements of your soil. This will help you identify any deficiencies that need to be addressed through fertilization. You should also consider how much sunlight and water your plants receive so you can select a fertilizer that meets their needs.

Additionally, it is important to research what types of fertilizer are recommended by local extension offices or agricultural organizations for commercial landscaping. Once you have identified the type of fertilizer needed, make sure to read the label before applying it. Different fertilizers have different amounts of nutrients in them; some even contain herbicides or insecticides depending on the type selected.

Check for any warnings or cautions about application and use. Finally, before applying the fertilizer to your commercial property’s landscape and lawn, be sure to check with local authorities regarding any restrictions on fertilizers in your area. Following these steps will help ensure you are using the right fertilizer for your commercial landscaping and lawn needs. 

Here are some fertilizers you can use for your commercial landscaping.

Fertilizing your commercial property is an important part of keeping a healthy and beautiful landscape. With the right approach, you can ensure that your lawn looks lush and vibrant. By accurately assessing the needs of your soil, choosing the right type of fertilizer, and applying it in the correct amounts, you will be able to keep your commercial property looking great. Taking these steps will give you a much better chance at achieving a successful outcome for your commercial landscaping. With regular fertilization, you can maintain a healthy lawn that adds value to your property and makes it stand out from the rest. Call us today to make sure that your lawn is green and healthy.
