February 9, 2023

Weeding Your Commercial Landscape in 2023

It seems like a never-ending battle! You pull your weeds. They come back. You pull them again and again, but they just will not go. They come back! And sometimes, they come back bigger and more annoying. Is there a problem with your lawn? Is there a problem with your commercial landscape? Is it a problem with your fertilizer? Or the way you are pulling the weeds? Let us explore some of the reasons why you could be having reoccurring problems with weeds.  

Defining Weeds

Weeds are plants that grow in a landscape, lawn, or commercial landscape without being deliberately planted. They can be anything from grasses and broadleaf plants to vines and shrubs. While some weeds may be beneficial because of their medicinal properties or ability to attract pollinators, many are seen as unwanted intruders.  

Weeds are an inevitable part of every commercial landscape, including your lawn. Weeds can be a nuisance and take away from the beauty of your outdoor space. There are many kinds of weeds that may be present on your lawn. These include broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds, sedges and rushes, thistles and thorns, and vines. Broadleaf weeds are plants with wide leaves such as dandelions, clover, and oxalis.

Grassy weeds are those that look like regular grass but can be more difficult to control such as crabgrass and foxtail. Sedges and rushes grow in wet areas and often develop in turf during heavy rain; they look like grass but have triangular stems.

Thistles and thorns are prickly plants that can make it difficult to walk on your lawn; they come in many shapes and sizes. Finally, vines are woody, climbing plants such as poison ivy and kudzu that often grow along fences or trees. 

Why Do They Keep Growing Back?

The hard truth about weeds is that preparation is key. You may be thinking, “How do I stop the weeds today?” That may not be possible. Here are 5 reasons your weeds keep growing back:  

  • Poor Soil Quality: The quality of soil in your commercial landscape has a significant impact on the health of plants, including weed growth. Poor soil quality is often caused by improper fertilization and/or drainage. If not addressed, inadequate quality soil will lead to increased weed growth and reduced growth in desired plants.  
  • Lack of Weed Control: Weeds can quickly take over an area if they are not kept in check. Regularly using herbicides or other weed control measures can help control growth, but skipping out on these treatments will lead to weeds coming back more frequently and with greater numbers. 
  • Lack of Mulch: Applying quality mulch to your lawn or commercial landscape helps to prevent weed growth by reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the soil and making it harder for weeds to germinate and grow. Without mulch, weeds have less competition with desired plants and can quickly overtake your yard again in no time.
  • Poor Maintenance Practices: When it comes to weeding, it is important to take a proactive approach. Regularly removing weeds when they first emerge can be the best way to keep them from coming back. Additionally, it is crucial to mow regularly and at the right height so that your desired plants have a better chance of thriving.  
  • Improper Irrigation: If weeds are constantly returning, it might be because of too much or not enough water. Too much water can cause soil erosion and make nutrients more available for weed growth while not enough will lead to drought-like conditions where only drought-resistant plants like weeds survive. It is important to find the perfect balance between watering frequency and amount to give your desired plants the best chance at success. Find more information about proper irrigation: click here.   

How to Pull a Weed in Your Commercial Landscape

This is important to get out of the way before discussing weed elimination. Not everyone understands this properly. This can reduce frustration later if you follow correctly. Here is the proper way to pull a weed:  

  1. Identify the weed you are trying to remove. Different types of weeds require different removal techniques; for example, perennial weeds with deep roots may need to be dug up rather than pulled by hand.  
  1. Make sure you are wearing appropriate safety gear such as gloves. 
  1. Gently grasp the base of the weed’s stem near ground level and pull upwards in one swift movement. Be sure you remove the full weed, including the root. If you are having difficulty removing the weed to its root, try using a gardening tool such as a weeder or an old kitchen fork to loosen the soil and make it easier to pull. 

If you do not pull the full root, it will grow back.  

A person wearing gloves and holding recently pulled weeds in their hands for your commercial landscape. Tree care and plant care is quality from Rubicon.

Weed Prevention

Now we have established how to pull a weed. It is important to tell you that you want to avoid doing that. Pulling weeds can expose dormant seeds that might come up with the exposed soil, causing more to grow. The correct way to get rid of a weed problem is to stop it at the source. 

  • Start with Prevention: Keeping up with regular maintenance is key to preventing weeds from growing in your commercial landscape. Mowing regularly, applying fertilizer, overseeding, and watering adequately will help to create an inhospitable environment for weeds to take hold. Additionally, it is important to remove any existing weeds right away as they can quickly spread throughout your lawn if not effectively managed.  
  • Apply Herbicides: While doing preventive maintenance is important, sometimes that is not enough, and herbicides may be needed to control the spread of weeds in your lawn. When using herbicides, always be sure to read the labels and follow the instructions carefully. Herbicides can be dangerous if not used properly, so it is important to take extra caution when applying them in your commercial landscape. Here's some great organic weed killers.
  • Monitor Progress: After taking the proper steps to prevent and control weeds, it is important to monitor the progress of your lawn regularly. Keeping an eye on any new weed growth or changes in your turf will help you determine if more action needs to be taken or if current maintenance is working correctly. With regular monitoring, you will be able to adjust your approach as needed and ensure that your commercial landscape remains healthy and free of weeds.  

By following these three steps, you can keep weeds away from your commercial property and provide a beautiful, healthy landscape for everyone to enjoy. When done right, you can have a weed-free lawn that adds to the value of your business without having to worry about invasive vegetation ruining the aesthetic of your outdoor space. With regular maintenance and monitoring, preventing weeds will not be as difficult as it may seem. Investing time in keeping up with these steps will pay off in the long run! Hire Rubicon for your weed management:
